TURKEY LOGISTIC + 90 (536) 787 9239


Your privacy is very important to us. We want your work to be as enjoyable and useful as possible, and we want you to feel comfortable using the wide range of information, tools and opportunities that the Internet offers.

Users' personal information collected when filling out forms, making inquiries will not be shared or sold to third parties.

What data is collected on the website

When filling in the feedback form to receive calculations according to your request and the list of services, you provide: name, e-mail address, telephone number.

For what purpose this data is collected

Your name is used to address you personally, and your e-mail address is used to send you newsletters, company news, useful materials, commercial offers.
Your name, e-mail address and telephone number are not passed on to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases related to the fulfillment of legal requirements. Your name and e-mail are on secure servers and are used in accordance with its privacy policy.

How this data is used

The website https://turkeylogistic.com/ uses cookies (Cookies) and visitor data from the Google Analytics service.

This data is used to collect information about visitors' activities on the website in order to improve its content, improve the functionality of the website and, as a result, create quality content and services for visitors.

You can change your browser settings at any time so that your browser blocks all cookies or notifies you when these cookies are sent. Be aware that some features and services may not work properly.

How this data is protected

We use a variety of administrative, managerial and technical security measures to protect your personal information. Our Company adheres to international control standards designed to protect transactions and data with personal information collected on the Internet.

Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these controls and are familiar with our Privacy Notice, regulations and guidelines.

However, while we strive to keep your personal information secure, you must also take steps to protect it.

We strongly encourage you to take all possible precautions while on the Internet. The services and websites we organize include measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of controlled information. While we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will protect against illegal access to information by third-party hackers.

Should this privacy policy change, you will be able to read those changes on this page
© 2023 TurkeyLogistic
Mesihpaşa Mah. Aksaray Cd. Nur Center No: 43/310 LALELİ-İSTANBUL
+ 90 (536) 787 9239
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Belgorod, ul, Kirpichnaya 71 off 5
+7 (916) 599 1310
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